I agree. There were just too many indicators, from too many varied sources, drawing the same conclusion of a Romney victory for everyone to have been so wrong. Add to that the well-known chicanery the Democrats are so infamous for, and it resulted in what happened the other night.
IMHO, your insight is probably correct. In the grander scheme of things, I suspect in God’s Plan, He is simply allowing those out of fellowship and who reject His provision to continue in their own volition, manifesting the ultimate failed consequences of their decisions.
It will become more obvious to all who are saved that rejection of His Plan leads to not only catastrophic conclusions, but those same rebellious volitions will further degenerate into stealing all crowns from those who do not bow down to them. It will become obvious to all souls, for all eternity future, that the Lake of Fire is an eternally just solution for those who reject Him.
IMHO, while the present Administration probably would relish the opportunity to be labeled the AntiChrist or Beast, I suspect they simply are examples for the real one to learn from their mistakes. The Adversary is too legalistic to tolerate or condone the loose thinking of this Administration.
When their utility has waned, they won’t have any value to him than to be made an example of those who disobey his desires. They’re just lackies who rejected God’s provision and think in their degenerate mindset that they can satiate the Adversary, while they are paving the path to their doom.