I agree with you more than Yollo, but the truth is, "brick and mortar education" (if we're talking about public schools) should be dead.
Every year millions of children attend and and billions of taxpayer dollars are spent on brick and mortar.
Yes and we need to stop doing that! I.e. throwing way too much taxpayer money at public schools teachers' unions, for way too little educational result (although the $ are great for the unions, and for the Democrat candidates to whom your taxpayer $ subsequently flow).
My last child got his high school education online. I homeschooled him through junior high school. If it had dawned on me earlier how terrible public education had become, I would've homeschooled all my children.
You are saying that public schools are dysfunctional, ineffective and waste taxpayer money. I agree.
When someone says something is dead it means it no longer exists. Actually, “brick and mortar” can't be “dead” but I will accept the intended meaning.
To say brick and mortar education no longer exists is simply incorrect. Online education is becoming more common. My kids took online courses. But brick and mortar education still uses billions of taxpayer dollars each year.