BS....there are over 165,000 Precincts in this Portland, Oregon True the Vote found 2000 “registered voters” at a homeless shelter that didn’t receive would be VERY easy to commit FRAUD, which I believe happened. And, what needs to be addressed are the voter rolls and ID issues we lack in this Country. We’ve been conned.
I just want free condoms and an Obama phone.
My name isn’t Richard Nixon and I’m not bending over for Barry and just letting this go by “nicely.”
This election was stolen not only on the national level but in Senate races as insure Obammycare would not be overturned. Every one of these races were polling “neck and neck” or “tied” for days or weeks prior to the election. I’ve never seen polling ties in elections although surely it has happened in the past. But in ALL of the election races? This defies the odds of probability or so I believe.
THAT closeness in races is absolutely essential in order to steal elections. Mayor Daley in 1960 delivered only about 8,000 fraudulent votes in Chicago for JFK to win IL and the presidency. All you need to know ahead of time is roughly how many votes you need to come up with. And today the technology for doing this is so far advanced in comparison with what Daley had to work with in 1960.
Any of you wonder how Barry could WIN BIG AND FAST on election night when only hours before he couldn’t raise a real crowd, even with Sprinsteen or Katy Perry appearing with him? Meanwhile Romney was raising HUGE crowds without needing pop star sidekicks to bring the people in. This doesn’t make sense when you look at the entire picture.
My guess is part of the theft originated with all the phony polling that was going on in the last few weeks/months. For example, all the people doing the polling calls need to do is get a phone picked up on the other end. After that they can pretty much record their findings any way they want. I saw this when my automated answering machine recorded a call from an automated pollster. Usually when an auto caller like Walgreens Pharmacy calls, the auto caller hangs up when they do not get a living person’s voice on the line. Not with the automated political pollster. It asked my answering machine question after question...not the same one each time there was no response from my machine but a new question each time. My machine is set to record messages for 3 minutes and it was asked 5 questions during that time before my machine finally cut out. The auto pollster was still talking when my machine cut the call off.
Things like this would allow pollsters to show on their phone records that a call they made was picked up and completed. Even though they never talked to a living, voting person. They could fill in the responses however they pleased. Are the polling companies complicit in this? I don’t know. Maybe. More likely it is a question of the people they are hiring to do the polling. Old ACORN people maybe?
This is just one aspect of where I see fraud happening and I’m still looking and reading because I know what happened was not on the up and up. Most people did not want Barry and it was fairly obvious by the numbers he drew in rallies and the way people on the street were complaining about him. But at no time did Barry, Slow Joe, Axelgrease, Steffie Cutter, or any of his band of criminals seem the least bit concerned that he could lose. At the time that bothered me and it does even more so in light of that Lightening Phase election return night.
Maybe it's time to let go of the "They Didn't Steal It" line.
Cowardice against thuggery never wins; never has and never will.
BS. Try telling Allen West that he went from 1900+ votes ahead to 2000+ votes down when they added in absentees.
You need a license for that degree of expensive license.