It least I’m proud to say, “It ain’t my fault; I didn’t vote for the SOBama!”
I’ve seen nothing of the sort, in fact the opposite. They’re incredibly smug and self-satisfied about the damage which they inflicted to the country.
College Kids, for a large part, are really dumb these days. They have such a lack of common sense. They are easily distracted.
And I plan on making a lot of money off those little empty headed, reality tv wannabes.
Yesterday, I went to a bookstore I’ve patronized for almost thirty years—it’s a local chain, the owner is a conservative—and the manager was gloating about the Obama win. “My boyfriend and I were, like, high-fiving and like dancing around the house! I really think, like, Texas will be, like, blue next time! The only people I know who like are against Obama are like the military guys who think he’s going to like take away their pensions and stuff, but he’s totally not.” The thing that really got me was when she said, “He like said we should all like be one America, which totally means he’s like really patriotic!” Thirty years, and I’m never going back. I have been trying to decide whether or not to write to the owner to explain why. Having a manager who uses like as a comma is bad enough on its own. But, my brother-in-law had his hours cut back severely on Wednesday (coincidence?), and I’ve lost any patience for doing business with out and proud Obamaites. I’ve gone Galt.