Gee...I thought it was primarily liberals who exercised that tendency to blame and whine. Ohhh well....
We can blame our situation on the Establishment, on the nominee, on the storm, on several things...but the MAIN reason we are in this mess is because of all of our choices.
Men have forgotten God; thats why all this has happened. ... Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Until we come to the place of GREAT repentance on the part of the majority of this nation, we will see an increasingly worse scenario. The CHANGE that is really needed is SPIRITUAL. History teaches this. The Sacred Scriptures teach this. Why do we have to learn this the hard way?
I wonder if we've crossed the threshold where repentance will never be realized in this country. It's clear we are a nation under judgment by a Righteous and Holy God and I weep as did Jeremiah.