It is foolish and infantile to paint the GOP with such a broad brush. Preibus likes Palin. Allen West likes Palin. Jim DeMint likes Palin. Rush and Levin like Palin. I like Palin. Rand Paul likes Palin. Herman Cain likes Palin. Newt likes Palin. Many many many folks who are Republicans, many who are in the party apparatus and many who are major figures, like Palin. Yes, I fully get the GOPe mindset. I write about it all the time. But that is only a part of the party.
Too broad a brush, and you make a mess.....
“Yes, I fully get the GOPe mindset. I write about it all the time. But that is only a part of the party.”
It is the only part that matters. The rest of you are there for stoop labor.