Our country is full of idiots.
They vote for Bullshit artists and not people that actually accomplish and do things.
Thankfully, I will be retiring in a few years and leaving the US as it will be a 3rd world hell hole run by charlatans and the streets filled with criminals and hoodlums.
And our media should be tried for Treason for propping up anti-American candidates and promoting them.
This is a sad day in America.
Obama failed us for 4 years and he will only do worse for the next 4 years.
I don’t see what these brainwashed ninnies see in this BS artist. I really don’t. He’s a liar and a con artist.
It’s sad that the media excoriates good people and props up hoodlums like Obama.
How can they call Ohio for 0bama when the vote is a virtual tie with 78% reporting?
Obama, Barack (D) 2,269,686
Romney, Mitt (R) 2,268,695
I am a young M.D. and was hoping for a future in my profession in the United States. That just became impossible.
Just this afternoon I had a generally good opinion of my fellow Americans, even the “idiots”.
No longer, everything has changed now. Now it’s everyone for themselves, I have no sympathy for them.
Long live Free Republic!