Akin is and has been strong on RKBA. Rated 'A' by GOA for years now. Ma rated F.
The DUI thingy doesn't mean much to me.As long as he didn't kill anyone while trying to get home.
Akin favors tax reform. Ma doesn't. List goes on and on and has been discussed here a thousand times.
Many, many things Romney can do, as well as a Republican Senate to "change" Obi-Care.You're 100% correct. But what will Romney actually do? He's said a lot of things, but considering what he thought was a good idea in Massachusetts, I don't see him repealing Obamacare.
But there is no chance of doing this with Ma in the Senate.I don't think McCaskill will be the deciding factor here, I think it will be Romney. Romney bragged about how he worked with a legislature that was 87% Democrat. You know how you do that? You make your policies 87% liberal. One vote in the Senate is not going to change the guy who wields the pen in the Oval Office.