Ground game man. Ground game. All those huge rallies wont mean diddly squat if there is not a solid door to door GOTV, non stop phone bank, free ride the polls, the whole nine yards, with GOP poll monitors checking hourly as to who (committed to the GOP) has voted and not yet voted, and work their TAILS off until closing time to get those darned people, every last one of them, to the polls. Not to mention, we gotta keep our eyes peeled to Democrat/SEIU type corruption, ballot box stuffing, vote buying, bussing across state lines for multiple voting, you name it. PS And SCREW the United Nations trying to monitor this one...they only want to assure that the “Messiah” is reelected and neo-colonialist, oppresive America is cut down to size a bit more—all the while Uncle Sugar continues to fund projects in these two bit tin horn dictatorships which laugh along with Hugo Chavez at us at the U.N. I seriously hope one of them steps over the line and is arrested somewhere tomorrow.