To: The Sons of Liberty
Mayo-snot hair has no respect for anyone. Why she has any position of "power" is beyond me. She's basically an attack dog, pitbull, and should be removed from the public's view.
She is disgusting in all respects.
4 posted on
10/31/2012 7:54:17 AM PDT by
(I fear for my Republic due to marxist influence in our government. Open eyes/see)
To: nothingnew
Why she has any position of “power” is beyond me. ................................. She is in power because other Debbie Wasserman Schultzes put her there. If you were born in Brooklyn you would understand. I grew up with many like her. Daddy would bring the Daily Worker home with him and he would vote straight Democrat regardless of who was on the ticket.
7 posted on
10/31/2012 8:15:18 AM PDT by
(Who we elect is not as important as who they bring in with them.)
To: nothingnew
Well known fact: DWS grooms herself with a claw hammer.
14 posted on
10/31/2012 8:56:49 AM PDT by
flushed with pride
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