But the most disgusting thing that Leftist jerk did was try to get Charles Woods to reverse himself and take back his FACTUAL accusation of Obama being a murderer—the dirty bastard!
Charley didn't take the bait and instead facing the camera said TO THE PRESIDENT that the Benghazi 4 died as heroes and it is better to die a hero than to live as a COWARD!!!
Geraldo, the dirty bastard, kissed Woods on the cheek as the show ended. I have been demanding Fox News fire the disrespectful son of a bitch since!
That is an excellent and accurate description of Whorealdo’s assclownery.
I watched that on Geraldo. I got the impression from Ret General Keane that nothing was done because they had nothing in range to get there quick enough.
But what was interesting, he only said a drone sees a narrow area and that this compound was considered in a residential area and they could not tell the militia from the bad guys.
In otherwards, they didn’t do it because of the negative publicity if Libyans claimed they killed “innocents”.
So, it was safer to let the Americans die because that is easier to deal with than dead Libyans.
It is also damn sad that there was supposedly no quick strike force around.
All in all, it was shameful from the moment they pulled the good security team out of Libya weeks before all the way to the end.
Which always brings me back to the hostage idea. Something just isn’t kosher about this whole episode.
I hated that the idiot had them out in the cold. They all had short sleeves, just in from Hawaii, and idiot horaldo has a coat on. Why not find coats for them or move the interview inside?