Absolutely. It has occurred to me that the reason meteorologists are so confused and have "never seen a pattern like this" is because satellite imagery has been tampered with.
I’m not quite sure what Obama is going to do to capitalize on this storm; the good news is that he is an incompetent fool.
One political conundrum he has is whether or not to close the government offices in DC. As of 1730 on Sunday 10/28 the Office of Personnel Management announced that government offices in the DC area would be closed to the public, but also announced that it is going to be a working day for federal employees. The fundamental problem with this is that the public transit agency in the DC area, WMATA, has announced that all bus and subway service is suspended until further notice, meaning that more than half of the workforce (300,000+ people) have no way to get to work. Downtown DC will be hopelessly snarled with traffic the way it was in February 2010 when the Dear Reader demanded that the government reopen after the gigantic snowstorms, despite the fact that almost none of the downtown streets had been plowed.
My wife and I made an executive decision and evacuated on Saturday to her mother’s house in northern Indiana. Traffic was light to moderate on the way out here and we made it in about 10 hours. There was heavy rain between Pittsburgh and Cleveland, but the afternoon became sunnier and more beautiful as we reached northwestern Ohio and Indiana.
The big problem in DC after the storm passes through will be that the electrical grid will be wrecked once again. On Saturday, I noticed four large caravans of utility service trucks heading east. I saw more such caravans yesterday. I estimate that 50-75% of the metropolitan area will not have electricity for at least a week. Unlike the derecho storm when it was warm to hot outside, it is starting to get cold in the DC area, particularly at night. My advice to anyone north of the James River and east of the Appalachians is to pack what you can safely carry, get in the car and start going west immediately.