California has too much power. Chunk it into two states.
So CA has four Senators?
No,you don't have to do that.All you have to do is to allot House seats to the state on the basis of *legal US residents* rather than warm bodies.That would take 15-20 seats from them.Do the same with NY and IL and another 20 seats disappear.
California has too much power. Chunk it into two states.
Heck, we should give Obama his 57 states by splitting up CA into three states, New York into two states, as well as pennsyvania, illinois and michigan.
Maybe split Nebraska in half too, just for the fun of it.
Great. Then we’d have FOUR demoncrat sinators.
How ‘bout we make a compromise like they did in 1820 and when Missouri became a state.
California becomes two states, and Texas gets to form several states as they like.