In Mass. Warren is a fake indian and real communist.
Miss. has Mccaskill with her corrupt husband selling favors out of the senate cafeteria.
Wisc. has baldwin, a classic liberal with vague ideas of fairness and strong supporter of Obamacare against well known ex governor.
Fear not. Brown, Mccaskill, and Thompson will all win. The only one who could lose by a hair is Brown. But I believe Romney’s coattails will carry even Brown over the finish line. Obama will win Massachusetts by 58-41% but that is much better than McCain did four years ago(63-36). Brown will need nearly 25% of Obama voters to split their tickets and vote for him. I believe he will and can do it but it will be very close.
I misspoke. Akin will defeat Mccaskill.
This is why the Senate, Prez, SCOTUS, aren't anymore worth a bucket of warm spit. This is a nation on its way to big time downgrade.