Augie Busch once said Coors would never be sold in the state of Missouri. How wrong he was. But at what cost-to Coors?
Oh, and don't get me started on what expansion did to Rolling Rock. Another once great beer. One could pour it gently in a frosted mug on a cold day and the suds would overflow the glass a second later. Great stuff. What they did to it was a crime.
Should read HOT day!
I was a (underage) Budweiser drinker from day one. Then, Budweiser workers went on strike sometime in the early 1970's and Coors saw an opening. Coors was suddenly $1 per six pack.
Became a Coors drinker. Stayed that way for a decade or more.
My first ex-wife then was accepted to a dental school in Boston. We made several trips back and forth to NM in an Oldsmobile Vistacruiser.
Enough room in there to haul my personal supply and enough bootleg at $20 per case retail to the marks to pay for the gas.
Good days.
Quit drinking entirely 2 decades ago, but my remembrances of the old Coors are very good.