There was one who did this time and time again, but was/is called a kook...Ron Paul. But, based on his own record, I accord these words to Mitt as no more than banter. IF he does win the election, I’ll gladly eat crow when actions take place.
Making economic slaves of proceeding generations, just because they bought into the ‘you can have it for free’/Ponzi scheme, is both immoral and unethical.
A) They are not Constitutional (see ‘C’)
b) The programs are bust already (I’ve read to the tune of 100+TRILLION)
C) They were always TAXES 1st and ‘promises’ 2nd
D) There is/was never any guarantee
Cut the losses and free the younger generations; they may actually forgive the old-timers enough to take care of ‘em (as they should)
So then what do you propose?
The kids are economic slaves for the $16T outstanding debt as it is, without even discussing SS (Socialponzi Scheme).
What to do about that? Is it a legitimate debt, or not? Pay it all off? Or renege on the immoral and unethical commitment?
Same with SS? Pay out those who've paid in, and cut off everyone born today? 20 years ago? 55 years ago?
Conservatism suggests that you introduce change gradually, but that you respect past debts, gambling or otherwise.