Theories on my part (IMO)
1. GOP enthusiasm.
2. Grass roots since 2008
2a Freedom Works GOTV
3c Citizens United GOTV and group organizing
3d True the Vote groups
3f Tea Parties of all shapes and sizes
4. Democrat overconfidence
5. 2008 Obama Magic is fading and it’s turning out to be traditional PRECINCT GOTV contest
Who is the SOS in Ohio (R or D)?
Let me tell you of an incident I had in Missouri a few months ago at a political rally (Rally for Common Sense near Jefferson City). I was having a chat with the local/Regional Tea Party Patriots leader which was most informative.
At their booth, they were signing up local volunteers for the defense of Gov. Walker (recall). The TPP would provide airfare, room, board and training for precinct organizing and GOTV. LOTS of people were signing up! According to the TPP person, there were signing up people as far away as California, Florida and Texas....and that’s not counting the out-of-state phone banks!
I can only imagine the scope which these groups (and countless others) are doing behind the scenes to take back our country. If they can do this for a recall election against the liberal bastion of Wisconsin (where the gates of Mordor were in full force) I shudder what they’re doing in the general election.