“In fact, if my country re-elects it, I am not even certain I will be able to stomach living here anymore.
I mean, I do not know of any other way to say it, but I have had it up to here with stupidity in this country.
It has reached the point of being utterly disgusting.”
I agree with you 100%. The problem is, where else could we go? I have lost everything in this economic downturn. I am 42 years old, and I always was optimistic about my future prospects. I always believed that I could make money on my own or that I would always be able to get a job. I have worked hard, gotten an education (M.B.A.), served in the military and Gulf War I, and followed the rules by doing everything I was told that I was supposed to do. Now, I have to wonder, have I lost it, or has the landscape changed?
I don’t know. there is no place to go.
If I could choose to go anywhere, I suppose it would be Israel.
I have respect for that country. I can’t say the same about my own anymore.
If there is going to be a clash between good and evil, then I want to stand with the good guys, even if we lose and die.
I don’t really want to be in a country with a bunch of people who threw their freedom away, who voted to be slaves. I cannot respect that at all.
Man, your story makes me feel sad. It’s like everything my parents taught me has been turned on its head. I can’t recognize my country anymore and hardly anyone in it.
I have a bad feeling things are going to get much, much worse.
God Bless you and may God Help us all.