If Qumu is Obama’s “ally of sorts” its certainly true that O is Qumu’s ally. O and the Sorosians helped overthrow the Egyptian government and turn it over to the Muslim Brotherhood, and in Libya doing so meant backing Al Qaeda rebels like Qumu.
The ambassador probably didn’t see his end coming, since he had helped to put the rebels into power. He probably thought he had a pass.
But no. Al Qaeda and the Brotherhood have their own agenda, and while Obama sympathizes with AQ and MB’s agenda they do not sympathize with ours. Obama has caused the US to switch sides in the “war on terror” and no one in the press seems to have noticed. And all it bought us was a trashed consulate and a dead ambassador. Its hard to feel for a guy who gets bit by the snake he was playing with, but he represented us and the snake bit him as an attack on us. And will do it again at the first opportunity.
Or possibly it is more sinister than that.