“If there isnt a tsunami against the president and the Democrats in general this election then there is probably not much of a country left to be saved.”
You’re not going to be the only one who comes away from this election disillusioned, even if Romney wins.
I’d like to see a “tsunami” against Obama and what he represents as much as you, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Romney may win, but it will be quite close, perhaps even a highly-contested “squeaker”.
The country has become too divided, and there are large chunks of it that simply -cannot- be “saved”, in the conservative sense of that concept. Mr. Romney was entirely correct in his estimation that roughly “47%” of Americans have no reason to vote for him, or vote for what are generally understood to be “principles of tradition and the right”.
This election will make the divisions between “the producers” and “the takers” clear and undeniable — it will no longer be possible to gloss over the chasm that has grown between Americans. The United States is no longer a spiritually unified nation, but is becoming increasingly Balkanized, not only politically but ethnically as well.
I expect the disdain for and misrepresentations of Romney by the media to increase after he wins. There will be no “coming together” of Americans after this election. There will be no “honeymoon” in the country or in Congress. Particularly if the Republicans eke out a majority in the Senate, I predict a continuous and coordinated effort at obstruction in the halls of Congress, “Wisconsin style”. The more Republicans struggle to right the listing ship of state and the economy, the louder I expect the left (in Congress, the media, and on the street) to scream — as you’ve never heard before.
These days, I look around and wonder just how much of a country there -is- “left to be saved”. Hard to tell right now, so much of it has sunk below the surface, like the bow of the Titanic.
Will the remaining bulkheads hold?
You’re right. Even if he wins it won’t change the fact that we have two different cultures with opposite moral codes living side by side. No election will change that. I look at the situation and I really think that this country is headed for some type of civil war. It is one way or the other. There is no place to compromise on basic principles like freedom vs. control or socialism vs. capitalism.