If these trends continue, today's head-to-head numbers will be wildly off base, as the electorate this November will be very different than the one that voted in 2008.
And this one below has also been repeated by several based on instincts, polling friends and finger in the wind gut instincts......
Keep in mind, GOP voters in these swing states have become more enthusiastic about voting in the midst of a weeks-long assault on Romney by the Democrat-media industrial complex. Since the beginning of the Democrat convention, the media have reported that Obama was surging, Romney was flailing, and the election was all but over. And yet, GOP voting enthusiasm increased.
I have no doubt that the media’s recent pile-on of Romney for actually saying some of the most conservative stuff he’s ever said (free speech vs. Islam, the welfare state) is increasing Republican enthusiasm. Republicans were BEGGING for a conservative dragonslayer they could get behind to vanquish Obama. We really want to defeat him. But Romney is so uninspiring it’s been hard to get enthusiastic. So when he says things that even make him sound slightly more conservative, Republicans are going to enhance that with a whole lot of wishful thinking projection. If only Romney could shift to the right in a less wobbly fashion and stay there, he would win in a landslide, just as Reagan did in 1980.
Pew released one yesterday 37-30-31 with an 8 point Obama lead. Garbage in, garbage out.