We have the technology to track how well each add works, and they prices they can command have dropped as well. These ad revenues are what pays for TV. As they drop (and they will drop more), the quality and quantity of shows will drop also.
You can already see it in movies. The majority of movies are remakes or sequels, and even they are reaching the saturation point.
My sister says she expects a crash in the entertainment economy soon.
“My sister says she expects a crash in the entertainment economy soon. “
And quite frankly that will be a good thing. It would have to lead to mostly paid entertainment, which means that the entertainment producers would have to make products that consumers would be willing to buy and would have to compete in a marketplace against each other. This should reduce the propaganda content of “entertainment” and increase its entertainment quality. Producers will have to cater to their customers desires in order to stay in business, instead of producing reams of low-quality dreck propaganda shoveled out for “free” (paid with advertising.) Maybe even it will thin the herd of elitist, self-righteous, ignorant,m know-it-all “progressive” “stars”.