Compare this articulated and intelligent Woman with that fig leaf a man that we have as a (p)resident now, a bumbling, STUPID man who can not, nor will not speak directly to the subject under consideration without lies, platitudes and a TelePrompTer.
Romney might want to study her knowledgeably and style. but especially her DIRECTNESS TO THE ISSUE AT HAND.
HOW DO THE BRITS, GOD LOVE THEM, KEEP THE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SO BRIEF AND TO THE POINT? Can you imagine a presidential debate in this country with such verve.
I think a large part of the calculus of Obama’s verbosity is to muddy the waters of a given topic at hand. He either says nothing at all or something entirely different (frequently dissembles) than what he appears to say. And the adoring media divine brilliance in it. This world is upside down.