Okay, but that brings up another question: who watches the watchers who watch the watchers? I assume you’ll answer “More watchers.” Touche. But who watches the watchers who watch the watchers who watch the watchers?
The one on the Maryland Highways are really kind of funny - invariably, you will see a “construction - fines doubled” sign, then a blinky, “55 - your speed...”, then a green portapotty, and right in front of the crapper, a white jeep with a plow rig on the front.
It ain’t a plow rig. It is the speed camera.
I enjoy going past them at 54 miles per hour.
Invariably, though, some jackwagon weaves past me at 65, and “FLASH”
Poor sucker is going to get a surprise in the mail.
OBTW, there are 3 of them on I95 between 495 and APG, almost allways in the same place.