The average the amendments passed by was 67% or so. Many passed by much more, some passed by much slimmer margins. In my opinion, if you would have told someone 30 years ago that only 67% of the voting public would think ‘gay marriage’ was impossible, they would have thought you were wacked.
Actually, I was too young to “understand” the mentality of hippies in their prime time - the seventies and early eighties. But in my awake lifetime, it’s aways been almost half ‘n half for civilization and against civilization.
Conservatives, when they rose up with Reagan and engaged the amorals (liberals/hippies), made headway to save a lot of “if it feels good do it” mindless idiots. They argued scientifically - based on social data of outcomes amongst the major dark and light choices in life - that liberals tried to hide and named politically incorrect. For my part of this generation, we had a clear understanding of choices and their statistical consequences.
Thanks to conservatives, it was not just Christian faith. It was faith measured by science. And God is not stupid. If He told us to avoid certain patterns, ideology and behaviors, do it. It’s transferable to science data in outcomes. EVERY time.