Allah is their guy now!
“Allah is their guy now!”
Allah is just one of many faces of Mystery Babylon.
Allah was the “Moon” god and in Chaldean means “Sin”, prior to Mohammad.
The same spirit has taken many names over the millennia.
Ultimately, it’s Gaea, Queen of Heaven worship, mother earth, hence the infusion of feminism, sodomy, hedonism.....worship of the creation and not the creator.
The “God” they object to is the Judeo/Christian God that requires responsibility for ones in consequences.
Socialism, right or left, exemplifies the spirit of the “Hidden” god, Saturnia/Nimrod, aka, Satan.
Bad JuJu here.
Abortion simply reflects the most pagan of rituals initiated back in Babylon and offerings to Molech.
Again, one of the many faces of one god that fell through pride.
The “Left Hand of Darkness” might simply be replaced by a false “Right Hand of Light” if socialism is allowed to flourish with faux conservatism.
Moderation is the foundation of conservatism and it’s polar opposite is the “Radical Center” which can be achieved through right or left.
Ever notice the strange alliances between the radical left and right?
All that is cared about with them is a departure from the normalcy that a Yahweh truth brings to a society.
This Truth opposes them in every way.
Their vile hate and disgust reared its head on the convention floor when “God” was reintroduced to the platform.
The left’s high priests know they may have played their collective cards too soon.
BTW.....screw this controlling doctrine of theirs, right or left, made global warming....more sinister than you think.
Until Allah serves their purpose, then it's all out Gov worshiping and replacing
President with Supreme leader.