“The convention proceedings at Bank of America Stadium will take place rain or shine, similar to other events at the stadium,” the official said. “We have an advisory team in place that is constantly updating a contingency plan in the event of severe weather, which will be announced closer to the convention if the need arises.”
When asked to outline what options that plan might include, the source said, “We will only announce contingency plans in the event that an emergency/severe weather actually arises, so that we can be sure that we communicate only one plan, the one that is accurate and relevant to the situation at hand.”
“Our plans will take into account the stadium’s existing weather plans that are used for Panthers games and other events,” the source also said, referring to the Carolina Panthers football team headquartered at the venue.
According to Bank of America stadium, attendees to its football games and events typically stay outside when it rains. However, if there is lightning, the stadium encourages attendees to move under cover to the concession areas.
It would not surprise me if the Obama admin wasn’t praying for rain.
What better excuse to explain the diminished crowds.
“Its the rain’s fault.”
“And, rain is caused by global warming.”
“And, we ALL know global warming is George Bush’s fault!”