At best, Akins is a vain fool. That is why the Democracts supported him in the primary.
You are right. I have been writing about the dangers of Rove since 2001 - but he happens to be right about Akin. That doesn’t make me like Rove any more than I did before, it just means I can be analytical and non-emotional and simply dissect an issue as it comes.
Yes, but Rove does not want conservatives in the Senate. I wish Rove would have talked this way about the ‘Rats who were savaging his boss W every day, but he submissively rolled over like the bitch dog he is. He is always OK with attacking conservatives like Angel, O’Donnell and now Akin. Rove helped sink them all but he is never good with attacking socialist ‘Rats. Aikins misspoke one time and Rove is ready to “kill” him, but he thinks that our president should not be called out for his socialist actions. Rove is an elitist who thinks much like the elitist ‘Rats. Conservatives are his enemy. If Rove dislikes Aiken it seems to me like a good reason to back him.