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To: Raebie

Oh My!, many words come to mind, most I can’t mention so I’ll go with:


153 posted on 08/31/2012 5:18:54 PM PDT by DAC21
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To: DAC21

Well,,this is a bit blue from another post on another site but I thought it was hysterical so I have to share it. Basically, this tells me how the anti-O meme is really getting traction...but then again,,this isn’t a cerebral rant, but a rant it is nonetheless.

“Presented By
Navy SEAL Author Rejects the Pentagon’s Legal Threat

Share Print article Share on emailEmail article Comments (292) John Hudson 3:17 PM ET Former Navy SEAL Matt Bissonnette is going to tell his version of events surrounding the death of Osama bin Laden, even if the Pentagon sues him for every last penny.

Last night, the Defense Department’s top attorney wrote a letter to Bissonnette threatening to use “all remedies legally available” against him for the publication of No Easy Day, his firsthand account of the mission to kill bin Laden in Pakistan. “You are in material breach and violation of the nondisclosure agreements you signed,” wrote Pentagon general counsel Jeh Charles Johnson. The letter hinted at a criminal prosecution of Bissonnete for disclosing classified information and threatened to seize the royalties from his book and go after his publisher Dutton, an imprint of Penguin Group. In a written response, a lawyer representing Bissonnette denied his client breached his nondisclosure agreement in a letter to the Pentagon. (The letter, obtained by The Atlantic Wire, refers to Bissonnette under his pen name Mark Owen.)

“Mr. Owen sought legal advice about his responsibilities before agreeing to publish his book and scrupulously reviewed the work to ensure that it did not disclose any material that would breach his agreements or put his former comrades at risk,” wrote Robert D. Luskin, an attorney at D.C. lobbying behemoth Patton Boggs. “Mr. Owen is proud of his service and respectful of his obligations. But he has earned the right to tell his story.”

According to the letter, the nondisclosure agreement signed by Bissonnette when he was a SEAL only applied to “specially identified Special Access Programs” and not missions such as the May 1, 2011 raid.

That’s an argument that may come as a surprise to some legal experts, who considered the Pentagon’s case against Bissonnette a “slam dunk” given his failure to submit his book for pre-publication review. Attorney Scott Hodes, an expert in government secrecy issues, tells The Atlantic Wire that Bissonnette’s lawyer appears to be looking out for the interests of Bissonnette’s publisher. “I think this is the position of someone defending a publisher who is publishing a book that may have classified information in it,” said Hodes. Bradley Moss, a Washington-based national security attorney, also expressed concern that Bissonnette is in over his head:

Bradley P. Moss, Esq
@BradMossEsq Mr. Owens, respectfully, your lawyer is failing you and doesn’t know how this works. #NDA’s are written broadly.
31 Aug 12 ReplyRetweetFavoriteFor a fuller look at the serious legal ramifications facing Bissonnette see our earlier report here. I’ve posted the entire letter from Bissonnette’s attorney below:

Owen Johnson Lt r

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John Hudson

Topics: Osama bin Laden, Dutton, Matt Bissonnette, Pentagon, No Easy Day, CIA, Penguin Share Print article Share on emailEmail article Comments (292) Related Articles More by John Hudson

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0 minutes ago

This is what our country has come down to. You get sued for telling the truth when it goes against the word of government hacks.

Flag Like ReplyReply Jeff Smith 2 minutes ago

Go out and buy the book, “NO EASY DAY”....make it #1 on Amazon and every on-line and brick and mortar outlet you can think of....heck buy two of them. Send a loud message to Obama and his yes men in the DOD!

Flag Like ReplyReply AZMB 2 minutes ago

How do you tell the Pentagon General Counsel that he’s about to be charged with being an Asshole, a very serious offense for an EMPLOYEE of United States Citizens?

Flag Like ReplyReply Sophisto007 4 minutes ago

The government is not going to do anything on this. It’s idle threat. If this went to court, it will only bring more attention to the discrepancy between what Obama said and what actually happened.

Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Terry Dickson 4 minutes ago

How come they are going after the Seal for releasing classified information. Diane Fienstein, a Democrat,
stated the White House released classified information, and no one did anything about it.

Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply SDillon 5 minutes ago

Ask yourselves if the timing of this is supicious. First, it was important for Americans to believe the terrorist justification for our troops to stay in the Middle East. We created and armed al Qaeda during the Carter administration.The Taliban refused to allow a pipeline to be built from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and Pakistan for an oil company that Karzai originally worked for.We apparently worked with al Qaeda in Libya, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, etc.
I saw a copy of a death announcement in a Pakistani newspaper dated Dec. 2001 of bin Laden who had been in a Pakistani hospital at the time. Ever heard of a “false flag”? Ask yourself if you believe that the government would lie to you with ulterior motives.
If they wanted to stop this book, they would have and you would never have heard about it. It is an election year, and they haven’t managed to finish the preplanned destruction of our Republic. I research like many thousands of others because I want the truth. Just a point...why would USAID be purchasing military armament?

Flag 1 person liked this. Like ReplyReply Terry Dickson 6 minutes ago

How come they are going after the Seal for releasing classification, when no one has gone after the White House for releasing classifed information as stated by Democrat, Diane Fienstien.

Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply StuPedasso 7 minutes ago

“I think this is the position of someone defending a publisher who is
publishing a book that may have classified information in it,”
So, is there classified info in the book or not? If not, tell the Pentagon, DoD and DoJ to stuff it.

Flag John liked this Like ReplyReply ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens 8 minutes ago

ESQ? Extemely Silly Queer?

Flag Like ReplyReply Linda Camp 9 minutes ago

Perhaps this is hype for the book? I have in my files certain information and FOIA documents that lead me to STRONGLY believe Mr bin Ladin died in 2001. I am not the only one who believes this, but perhaps I’m one of very few who have exhausted many, many avenues of investigation in order to come to this conclusion. Besides, when you look at all the very strange “facts” of the more recent “death” of Mr. bin Ladin, you begin to wonder about his strange disappearance at sea (Islamic custom... sure, sure) and other curiosities. How stupid do they think you are?

It is my opinion that this book is written as a disinformation campaign. This sort of thing is usually used to quell inquiry into a matter. Many people have discovered things about the bin Ladin compound raid that give them pause and many consider that this raid never took place (or that it was staged). A much publicized book such as this (and add a lawsuit to give it even more publicity) should be enough disinformation to turn the public eye away from investigating the real facts.

Flag Like ReplyReply ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens 11 minutes ago

What theme is that? “If you’ll bend over and touch your toes, I’ll show you where the Wild Goose goesssss—?”

Flag Like ReplyReply Tom 12 minutes ago

What is Obama wanting to hide? This threat is a shot across the bow of any other soldier that might want to reveal something that while not a threat to national security or to the military, may be embarrassing to the president. It is a shame that almost all federal agencies under control of the executive branch are ran by lapdogs of this administration, or people (Generals) that fear for their jobs.

Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens 13 minutes ago

Hey, Br’aak. Do da name Ruby Begonia meen anything tooya?

Flag Like ReplyReply ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens 16 minutes ago

“Jeh” is another Affirmative Action Harvard Law “wave through” just like Obama was. “Jus’ show up, brotha. We’ll have a white T/A do your briefs for you.”

Flag Mike and 4 more liked this Like ReplyReply ComSenseWiz 10 minutes ago in reply to ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens

Except when they “waved through” Obama at Harvard Law, they did not mind that he was the first black in history to be the Editor of the Harvard Review. Ops!

Flag John liked this Like ReplyReply Eric M 4 minutes ago in reply to ComSenseWiz

He wasn’t the first black editor of the Harvard Law Review, nor was he the editor of the Harvard Law Review at all. He was the “president” of the Law Review, a ceremonial position completely unrelated to editor.

Flag Like ReplyReply ComSenseWiz 16 minutes ago

I have great respect for SEALs until they start singing the “swift boat theme”. He’ll learn the hard way.

Flag Like ReplyReply Monastery 4 minutes ago in reply to ComSenseWiz

That’s demagoguery on your part. Facts are facts. If he is indeed speaking the truth, then why would you vilify him? Is it that his thesis stands in opposition to your support for Obama?

Sorry, but your support does not trump the cause of truth. I doubt you’d have any issue with anyone who came out against the words or deeds of Bush, Cheney or Romney.

Flag Like ReplyReply John 12 minutes ago in reply to ComSenseWiz

Liberal L O O N alert

Flag Jeff Smith and 2 more liked this Like ReplyReply Diane28 18 minutes ago

obama has so much to hide. What gave him the idea that our military had HIS back? The enemy in the oval office was exposed in 2008.

Flag John and 9 more liked this Like ReplyReply ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens 19 minutes ago

Yeah, “Jeh” is the modern phony African made up name version of Mogumbo X.

Flag 2 people liked this. Like ReplyReply Retired_from_SPOnaj 20 minutes ago

The intent here is not to go after Bisonnette, it is to frighten the publishers and distribution channels into shutting down the public distribution of this book. If Patton Boggs is involved on Bisonnette’s/publisher’s/distributor’s behalf, the book will get out into the public domain on schedule and no action will be taken by the government against any of these parties until after the election. At which time, legal action will be irrelevant, anyway. Put in your advance orders online and drive’em nuts!

Flag Mike and 7 more liked this Like ReplyReply John 22 minutes ago

“The Messiah” King Obama could not pass a TS investigation if he would have been investigated like ordinary people trying to get one. Just his radical ties would have stopped any clearance.

Flag Elle and 11 more liked this Like ReplyReply Brian Astby 22 minutes ago

Sorry Lawyer to the dictator Obama, but the details of the raid are already in the public domain thanks to hollywood.

Flag John and 10 more liked this Like ReplyReply George 23 minutes ago

So its great for someone in the WH to leak strategic secrets for the WH gain, but god forbid someone else tell another side of the story.

Flag Jeff Smith and 17 more liked this Like ReplyReply frmore 23 minutes ago

Google Jeh Charles Johnson’s pic and one may comfortably infer his allegiance is resolutely with the Obama plantation. Guess the POTUS and his lackeys are the only ones allowed to leak classified information in order to craft the narrative. Truth tellers and whistleblowers should take heed.

Flag Elle and 8 more liked this Like ReplyReply ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens 23 minutes ago

If Obama and his lackeys try to strip this Navy SEAL of his First Amendment rights, the entire American public will be treated to Obama and all his fawning sycophants having their faces rubbed all over the asses of true American patriots. We’re not just going to unelect this dimwitted beige Milk Dud. We’re going to humiliate him on the way out the door. And do the same to any one of his co-conspirators who get in our way.

Flag John and 17 more liked this Like ReplyReply Mike 11 minutes ago in reply to ali_Shabazz_Kingfish_Stevens

ali...experinced vet..66’-68’...will work for free..have own tools..LRRP...

Flag Jeff Smith liked this Like ReplyReply jrt600 25 minutes ago

Huh...if I have to choose between the legal acumen of a partner at Patton Boggs (not to mention a Rhodes Scholar and Harvard Law grad) and a guy who is 5-6 years out of law school, I think it goes without saying that I’m going to pretty much all out ignore this Bradley Moss guy. And just a note - serious attorneys don’t put “Esquire” or “Esq.” anywhere around their name...

Flag Elle and 4 more liked this Like ReplyReply Dave Templeton 27 minutes ago

Another Obama Diversion! The real issue was WHO IN THE WH is leaking strategic secrets which give Obama political importance during this 2012 election while compromising our national security? Who should be sued for that injustice? Where are the subpoenas to the NYT for printing this information? Is our Congress afraid of Obama? Have they been neutered to prevent them from doing their job? It seemed to be the case with Sen Feinstein who accused the WH of originating leaks but quickly lost her voice after the trip to the Dem’s Woodshed! This whole administration has got to go!

Flag Elle and 15 more liked this Like ReplyReply Monastery 3 minutes ago in reply to Dave Templeton

I wonder if you’d care if this sort thing happened (and did happen) in the Bush White House.

Flag Like ReplyReply jorgeDeSA 28 minutes ago

Godspeed Matt!

Flag John and 6 more liked this Like ReplyReply Ohanake 31 minutes ago

Uhm.. Apparently this lawyer has never heard of whistle blower protection..... I guarantee you that Obama will lose if he decides to pursue this. That SEAL has more credibility in a single hair folicle than Obama’s ENTIRE family, including children that have not been born yet.

By the way, outside of JAG, what is a PENTAGON LAWYER? Is he an officer? White House official? IS he even military???

(After doing some research)

Pentagon general counsel Jeh Charles Johnson, has not served in the military a SINGLE DAY IN HIS LIFE!!!!! He is an Obama appointee, his credentials include: member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a director or trustee of
Adelphi University, the Federal Bar Council, the New York Community Trust, the
Fund for Modern Courts, the Legal Aid Society, the Lawyers Committee for Civil
Rights Under Law, the New York City Bar Fund, Inc., the Vera Institute, the New
York Hall of Science and the Film Society of Lincoln Theater. He was also on the Board of Governors of the Franklin
& Eleanor Roosevelt Institute.

His only military service was to be appointed as assistant to the Secretary of the Navy!!!

Flag Elle and 14 more liked this Like ReplyReply Barnestormer 31 minutes ago

It seems to me the government is already completely compromised. Unless it can factually challenge his claims or show that he (i) committed security breaches; and (ii) such breaches had not previously been made by the Obama administration itself, its complaint against Bissonnette can be concisely summarized as “unauthorized release of the truth reveals Obama deceit.”

Flag hwobstj and 7 more liked this Like ReplyReply HostileLogic 31 minutes ago

“What will Obama do for a brain when the monkey demands his sphincter back?

Barack Obama is a heavy-metal bagpiping Marxist parasite whose relevance to the advancement of the human race is as useful as windshield wipers on a goat’s a$$ and proof positive that sh!t can grow legs & lips and walk and talk.”

I am still laughing,,thought someone else might appreciate the humor...sorry it’s a little low-brow

155 posted on 08/31/2012 5:23:45 PM PDT by austinaero (Obama or America - can't have both)
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