This is one time my principles are going to have to step aside. I certainly wanted a more conservative candidate, but that’s not the way things went. Some folks prefer smarmy words articulated to them that don’t reflect reality. My choice was the guy who had created more jobs, and protected his citizens from high taxes, and actually provided a SOLUTION to health care needs by promulgating risk pools years before anybody else ever thought about. BUT NO, everybody called him a bumpkin fool. Screw you.
Now the question for me is I want four more years of Owebama by standing on my principles and writing in a third party? OR, am I willing to get rid of Owebama by casting a ballot for Romney? The decision for me is very clear, because I wanted Owebama NEVER to get in the White House in the first place, and YESTERDAY was not too early to get him out of there. He’s a disaster waiting to happen and totally dangerous to Americans.
As for Sarah Palin, she, as always is right on track doing everything she can to get the republican party straightened out.
As for Akin, I don’t agree that republicans should bow down to the hysterical left and demand his resignation, UNLESS of course they would have time to campaign a truly conservative candidate in his place and win it. The fact that Akin accepted McCaskill’s money for his campaign is really telling and puts serious doubt in one’s mind about his intentions. Unfortunately the many of us that bother to keep up with such things, didn’t get to vote in Missouri. Unfortunately the people of Missouri have elected McCaskill how many years now, and been fooled by the Marxist. If Akin per chance still wins, it means McCaskill at least will be knocked out.