The media owe this great nation an accounting for the damages imposed by the momentous falsehoods they perpetrated in 2008. I, like Thomas Jefferson, heartily agree on the importance of a free press, but second the great patriot's view that "It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of its benefits, than is done by its abandoned prostitution to falsehood."
I saw the film this weekend with my informed, but not rabid anti-Obama wife. She doesn’t care for the man, and was never inclined to vote for him, but after seeing the movie, she was “ profoundly disturbed” by the lack of reporting from the national press. Had people been aware of these obvious, and serious red flags, any thinking American would have second-guessed entrusting our checkbook and national security to a mysterious, silky-voiced reader of someone else’s background, no substance. This was American Idol.
While powerful, my only complaint with the film is that D’Souza should have spent a few more minutes demonstrating the American press’ willing abtication of thier role as unbiased fact-finders of truth.....regardless of personal opinions and politcal persuasions.
Given that Woodword and Bernstein won a Pulitzer for Watergate, an ethical journalist would have siezed on this candidate’s background, and made him/herselves a (wealthy) household name simply by doing their job, and pointing out that BHO is not who you think he is to the American voters. It takes a foreigner to rub our noses in the obvious.
....America knew more in 72 hours about Sarah Palin, and Joe the Plumber than we still know about America knows more.