He does appear to be a Democrat tool. I continue to be baffled by Huckabee and others who support this guy simply because he believes a few of the right things. Does no on in Missouri with a triple digit IQ also believe the right things? This is madness.
“....I continue to be baffled by Huckabee.....”
Yes, some of us are on to Huckabee. He seems to periodically take actions & speak words that are counterproductive to and hindering of efforts to achieve conservative and support of the Constitution goals.
I didn't vote for Akin, but to say he is a Democrat tool is beyond ludicrous! I was watching that interview live as it happened and immediately knew that he was talking about "forcible rape." Charles Jaco did not follow up with any comment on it because I believe he knew what Todd meant.
At this point there is no telling where this could lead to with any debates between McCaskill and Akin. IF a moderator brings up this issue Todd could easily nail Claire as the one who is the EXTREMIST. All he has to do is describe a partial birth abortion or describe her lord and master's view on the Infant Born Alive Protection act that Ubama rallied for. The extremist view is the donkey's view. They believe every American should have the right to kill unborn children. When it comes to the economy they believe in the Obama Happy Meal - you walk up to any lunch counter in the USSA and order a meal and the guy behind you has to pay for it!
/rant off
Never try to understand the 'televangelist' Huckster from a conservative or Christian lens. He's a phony pandering opportunist with big government thinking ...
If it weren't for Huckabee, Fred Thompson would be President right now.
Give me a break. It shouldn’t be baffling why someone would support a good, conservative public servant who made one innocent mistake that did no actual harm to anyone. That’s why truly principled guys who aren’t coldhearted political consultants who would throw any person or any principle under the bus in order to WIN WIN WIN are supporting him. This includes people like Huckabee, Mike Gallagher, Steve Deace and Steve King who have all spoken out in support of Akin’s staying in the race.
Huckabee is a tool.
And muawiyah, no matter who it is, you bitch about every candidate. None is to your satisfaction. So just don't vote, but don't ell us not to
Yep, he could be no more helpful to the Dim causes if they were paying him. FUTA Be objective enough to realize that you macacaed yourself and GTFO!
If arguendo Akin is a 'Rat tools, put into the primary by 'Rat crossover voters to screw up the GOP side of the race, then why are Dim NGO's now calling on Akin to bail? If he's on the road to Crash and Burnville, why would they insist he leave the race as the RNC and some pundits insist he do?
If he bails out, the Missouri GOP would simply put someone of the stature of John Ashcroft or Kit Bond in the race, and they'd incinerate a slime mold like McCaskill. Yes? No?