And tell me - just what is to gain by supporting Akin at this point?
Akin is TOXIC.
Should the GOP have rallied around Foley and Craig?
This guy needs to drop out NOW as he is doing more help to Obama than millions of dollars in ads run on tv’s all across the nation!
So everyone who says something stupid should drop out? The party will fall, they already have lost lots of Christian conservatives who take the attack on Akins as an attack on them. The RNC caused this explosion themselves and they keep putting fire on it. There WILL be someone or something else next week that the left will attack. That is what they always do. The RNC super-hyped this so they could pick their own candidate. And what will the spineless RNC do next time? Shake in their boots and run again. How about standing up and fighting. This is one of biggest problems in this party. They won't fight. They want to appear nice, but they aren't to their own. They should just SPEAK THE TRUTH and quit playing political games. Run some brave commercials on TV not just on the Internet.
Example of a commercial
Todd Akins saying: I made a mistake in what I said. I have apologized ? times. Voters I ask you this question. Which is worse; someone who misspeaks or someone who thinks it ok to kill a baby who is ready to be born; 9 months in the womb and a person who thinks it's ok to let a babies die outside the womb because they she was meant to be aborted.
My words were wrong, but Obama’s extreme positions on abortion are so outrageous, that Missourians will not accept partial-birth abortion up to 9 months or infanticide.
Do you know that many people do not believe that abortions are done up to 9 months. They say, if it were true the republicans would be making commercials about it. I have seen it turn a person who was going to vote for Gore not vote at all. These are non-political people who watch lots of tv, and don't care about the news. They are people we need to reach. Whoever does political ads for the rnc has no imagination or guts.