We don’t wear hijabs in America! If you don’t like it, go back to the sewer you crawled out of. You won’t be missed.
If you dont like it, go back to the sewer you crawled out of.
Agree 100%
In America the hijab, niqab, burka, chador, garbage bag, etc is worn as an in-your-face political statement & nothing less:
“We are not of your culture! We do not share your values! We do not respect your ways and we DEMAND that you respect ours! Our religion today is your religion tomorrow! Inshallah!!!”
BTW, I was deployed to Uzbekistan which was part of the USSR and is (mostly) secular. Women wear mostly Western garb. I asked one good-looking Uzbek chick if there were any burkas in Uzbekistan. Her dark eyes flashed and she replied, “Of course not!”, then pointed toward Afghanistan. “That’s for those people to the south!”
Wow, I thought. A Muslimah who gets it about burkas.
[Your username: a “real helicopter pilot”?]