Akin’s biggest mistake was not realizing that the republican party is full of a bunch of back stabbing, bed wetting, hand wringing, nancy boy, hypocrites. Now he knows. If he wins he should make them come crawling back to him on hands and knees. They won’t mind, their use to being on their hands and knees.
I agree...when the head of the party consist of unprincipled coward such as Romney and Co. there will be no one to cover the backsides of any lesser officeholder. You can bet that the RINOs will blame any losses on the Conservative Candidates!
Yep, and that includes a surprising number of folks on FR. They blithely accepted Yoder's drunken, naked swim in Israel, even laughed about it. But this? Burn the guy at the stake.
By the way, just to be clear, I'm not suggesting that Yoder be ousted.