I have heard that he had two different pages. One was pretty much out there.... but there seems some reasoned debate over if he was posting words to an obscure song —or if he spewing
terror threats. There seems also some question as to if he was read his Miranda rights-or not. And if the FBI deliberately LIED to his momma claiming he had been arrested for assaulting an Officer and resisting arrest. She says she went to where they said he was to find he was not there? Had not been taken there.IF these guys are among the Sovereign Citizens group or not I do not know. But I’d bet IF he was a Black Muslim— or a
Black Panther Eric Holder would be all about defending him.
You have got to be kidding me. This is akin to a call to arms.
I’m an attorney and as such can state, based upon these facts (the facts as set forth in the public releases thus far), this state/federal act of seizure was illegal, further, it goes against everything that America stands for. Seriously, I never post, but this one just speaks to me and makes me “afraid”.
How does this happen? How can any American abide this?