A better way? As opposed to what, basically stating that any woman who claims she was “legitimately raped” and then ends up pregnant was actually a lying, whore?
He could have said that “personally, I support life and feel that we should punish the rapist and not the baby” and left it at that.
When that moron started talking about “women’s bodies shutting down during rape”, that went into the realm of pure idiocy.
And you don't think the MSM would have jumped on that with both feet? They would have been whining and carrying on about how rape is bad enough without Akin forcing a woman to carry a child resulting from that rape.
When that moron started talking about womens bodies shutting down during rape, that went into the realm of pure idiocy.
Conception is rare in cases of severe stress. Why do you think doctors advise a woman who is trying to get pregnant to relax when there is no underlying medical reason for the failure to conceive? (Or perhaps you think all those doctors are guilty of malpractice for advising their clients out of pure idiocy.)