I am one of those boomers, and your demographic analysis is correct--especially with the death panels. But demographics also cuts two ways. The rise of Islam in the USSA; the migration of a huge amount of people from the south; the existing educational propaganda of the young about the country's principles that are totally at odds with the Founders' ideas; and the manifest shifting of the average IQ in the country toward the left side of the bell curve auger against the nation being saved with any recognizable form of liberty.
Ah, well. Perhaps fatigue combined with a curmudgeonly personality makes me so pessimistic. I would hate to have to live with the world we are bequeathing our progeny.
One encouraging item for me as a Gen X’er is the home school movement and private schools. The public schools and Universities will collapse in the next 10-12 years. Far too much subsidies and competition, The last of information gate keepers are doomed, that is your traditional brick and mortar Universities. Education is being de-centralized, much like the news on the internet and twitter. 10 years ago we would never hear from Palin and Joe Biden’s stupid comments would never see the light of day. The industrial age is over and we are living in the turmoil of change to the information age.
I do believe the pendulum will swing back to the right and government is going to decline and shrink rapidly in the next 10 years. Currently it is far left, hanging and the move to the center has started. Not in my life time till this election did you have teir 1 presidential candidates advocating getting rid of entire Departments of the USG and some candidates speaking of repealing the 17th amendment. The TEA party is not going away, nor is homeschooling.
My gut feel is once abortion is gone in the land, only then will you see an acceleration to limited Government again. The bell weather is abortion