My late father’s specialty (as a 3 war Marine) was guerrilla warfare. He served as an adviser in Nam in 63-64.
When he returned he lamented on how our leaders had never understood guerrilla warfare, of our hubris that sheer massive, blunt force could always do it. He told me in 1964 we were going to be bogged down, spend a lot of blood, then the politicians would pull us out. He didn’t have anything nice to say about Gen Westmoreland either.
The end game for overt military repression in this country, as envisioned by this author, is a quagmire of proportions never seen in modern times. A lot of patriot blood will be spilled. The oppressors will (I guarantee this) resort to the same sort of tactics that the Germans used in WW2 to subdue large areas with limited troops. Brutality, mass murder to intimidate; dragging people from their homes at night & people disappearing. And the use of informants and traitors, of which there will be plenty, make no mistake about that.
Listen to the absolutely sickening hatred publicly espoused by so many of the left. They will be standing in line to get their brown shirts and arm bands. They will delight in the torture and murder of patriots.
But they will not win.
“They will be standing in line to get their brown shirts and arm bands.”
Very true, but that also brings back the point that while patriotic Americans are not organized, neither are they. While they take time to collect those arm bands, we take that time to collect our resources and ourselves.