It doesn't matter what the radical left thinks. The voters want people who will fix the mess Oboma got us in. I think we've won this election already.
So far, every poll except for Rasmussen is at least 9% democrat heavy. Take away the extra dead weight, and we've got ourselves a new president and VP.
There is a story that is not told oftern enough:
Obamma and his socialists worked on Socialized Medicine for two years. It consumed them and the media.
Two years after The Obammunist was elected, the nation voted to kick out more than 180 Democrat members of the House of Representatives. Obamma was rejected after two years.
Republicans won an overwhelming majority in the house, after two years!!!
With 180+ Democrats out of a job, not reelected, they passed Socialized Medicine as lame ducks. AFTER THEY WERE DEFEATED!!!
Republicans already have a mandate to repeal Socialized Medicine.