oh Jesus Christ, get off the “elitist” soapbox.
For your information we were all a healthy middle class when we didn’t wear helmets to ride a bike. Kids nowadays are wrapped in swaddling clothes cause they might get a boo-boo.
It taught you to be more careful and not do some of the stupid crap you see on youtube everyday now.
One question tho...How would you know Rush is an elitist? Do you know the man?
No, me and Rush are not best buds, but he is best buds with Crazy Annie Coulter and Matt Drudge who has a man crush with Mittens Romney.
Rush seems to favor Rockefeller Republican types such as Daddy Bush who was the head spook in the Rockefeller-Ford Administration and his son who was a bit of a dolt whose first two nominations to the Supreme Court were Benedict Arnold John Roberts and Harriet Mears. Of course, Harriet baby was replaced with a TRUE CONSERVATIVE in Alito because REAL conservatives such as the ones on this forum said NO to Harriet just like they would have said no to the likes of Colin Powell and Condi Rice.