I searched for “Logan’s Gold” on Amazon, and it pulls up but says “Out of Print, Limited Availability.” The weird thing is that although I put the exact title in the search line, the first item in the response is “Logan and the Magic Fish.”
We had a neighbor in Virginia Beachm, a Navy pilot’s wife who became a reasonbly successful novelist. She started out writing “Inspirational Romances,” with openly Christian characters, and then published some general historical romances. Now it looks, from what I found on Amazon, like she’s mostly writing regional (Tennessee) nonfiction.
Her first husband, the pilot, was a dog. He put the moves on me when I was babysitting their daughter once, when I was about 16 and he was drunk.
Check with redhead. She can tell you where to get it. If she doesn’t, let me know. I’ll send Ice Pick to visit her and he will coax the moose moms to teach their babies about redhead’s saplings...
*e-vil laughter*
Guys like that are a dime a dozen. I lost count of the ones who tried to make me believe they were God’s Gift to me. I had a tendency to talk to the wives and tell them to watch the idiots they were married to. And I gave them days, dates and times.
Somehow, I was seldom asked back to babysit...???..NOT!