1 posted on
08/01/2012 3:07:07 PM PDT by
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To: Kaosinla
It’s time for Smith to go.
Homosexuals demanding marriage be redefined for them are the intolerant ones.
101 posted on
08/01/2012 4:41:22 PM PDT by
("Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?" John 11:40)
To: Kaosinla
Shep’s the one who’s INTOLERANT!
102 posted on
08/01/2012 4:41:26 PM PDT by
(Obama; fundamentally turning America into Sodom & Gomorrah one EO at a time.)
To: Kaosinla
The only intolerance I see is on the part of gays and lesbians. This restaurant is not stopping them from getting married. I’m not going to put a national restaurant chain out of business because Shepard Smith has his panties in a wad.
105 posted on
08/01/2012 4:53:56 PM PDT by
(The first priority is get Obama out of the White House.)
To: Kaosinla
Step out of the closet, Shep.
106 posted on
08/01/2012 5:02:52 PM PDT by
a fool in paradise
(Eric Holder's NAACP rally against the voter ID laws required the press to bring govt issue photo ID.)
To: Kaosinla
Isn’t this a man who works for the “conservative” Fox News?
110 posted on
08/01/2012 5:20:41 PM PDT by
(Is it too late to save the country?)
To: Kaosinla
Insane! Wonder why he is off so much?
Those who do not like the Christian views of the CEO can just stop going to CAF if they are this upset over it. But they have no right to close it down and prevent others from enjoying the food.
To: Kaosinla
Shep Smith is waiting for ‘National Gerbil Insertion Day’
122 posted on
08/01/2012 6:20:02 PM PDT by
(0bama squats to pee.)
To: Kaosinla
Flipping you the bird, Shep, on "National Badminton Day."
--from Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day supporter #572,673
123 posted on
08/01/2012 6:24:33 PM PDT by
(And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell others not to kill? --MT)
To: Kaosinla
Shep is as loose with the facts as he is with his orifices.
124 posted on
08/01/2012 6:36:15 PM PDT by
("Humane" = "Don't pen up pets or eat meat, but allow infanticide, abortion, and euthanasia.")
To: Kaosinla
125 posted on
08/01/2012 7:29:53 PM PDT by
(Where is another agitator for republicanism like Sam Adams when we need him?)
To: Kaosinla
I didn’t know Fox gave Shep a political commentary show. I thought he was pretending to be a p.c. news reader.
To: Kaosinla
Watch it Shep. You gonna fall out of the closet.
131 posted on
08/01/2012 11:48:24 PM PDT by
(TEXAS GAL- born and bred and proud of it!)
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