To see the effects of such a scheme, one only has to look at the Kansas City Metropolitan area. Under the terms of a Federal school integration case, the Kansas City School district was put under the control of a federal judge for something like 20 or 30 years. He had full control, to include the ability to raise taxes in suburban counties surrounding Kansas City. He used this authority to raise the taxes in surrounding counties and used the money to spend lavishly on Kansas City Schools with no improvement in educational attainment.
His authority, however, did not extend to suburban counties in Kansas, some of which were literally right across the street from KC MO. Their taxes were not raised and their tax dollars were no poured into the KC money pit. Those counties grew and thrived, Missouri counties declined. People voted with their feet and the net result was economic decline on the Missouri side and growth and prosperity on the Kansas side (except for KC MO’s lttle urban twin, KC, KS.)
Where this scheme is implemented, suburbs will immediately start to decline. Rural areas outside whatever new boundaries are drawn will spring to life with growth as people flee from this oppressive black hole.
Not to worry - 0bama’s Rural Pacification program will deal with us pesky rural bitter clingers:
Drone overflights, declaring things like dust and milk as EPA-regulated ‘pollutants,’ control and cutoff of water...
You get the picture.