I disagre with your disagreement of my disagreeing
Imagine JCPenny decided to do the following:
1) fire Ellen Degenerate
2) announce that they will no longer make pronouncment for or agtainst any political issues
3) announce they will comply with ALL laws regarding discrimintation, but will not promote any political agenda in any other ways
What would heppend next is that the libtards would lose their minds...Then the protests would start
THEN we could have a ‘day of support’ to show that NOT caving in to the lib agenda is good for business and thereby set a precident that all companines could follow- no one would EVER announce they were offering same sex benefits after that (and the ones that did would suffer the same drop in sales as JCPenny’s)
Penny’s got blackmailed into taking a pro-home stance, at the threat of ‘boycott’
This would make any such threat laughable after that
I am ok with your dissagreeing with my dissagreement of your opinion. :o)
I think Ellen Degenerate is funny and don't care one way or another for her political views. I do not shop at JC Penney and any move they would make would be a sissy paper statement (of which they have already made). I would be no more inclined to support Obama if he sent me a personal check for $1 Million dollars than I would be to change my behavior to support a business that flip flops over political pressure.
I am happy to show my unwaivering support for a successful value based (and value practiced) business with employees reflective of those values that come under the attack of politicians. Chick Filet didn't blink and still have not made any overt effort to capitalize on the publicity they are getting but rather are continueing on with business as usual.
I heard that several Wendy's on the East Coast were showing support for Chick Filet as well. I give them a nod and will consider patronizing them as well. But theirs was also a smart PR move to gain some attention in the swell of small business support. Any business coming forward now is simply acting to take advantage of conservatives.
JC Penney made their bed. They picked their horse. Our collective statement sends a very clear message to the right business leaders. Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda is the message to the fakers.
Like I said, I'm not a customer of JC Penney. In my busy life, I don't see myself being motivated to take political action on their behalf.
I'm just being honest and do support your effort and respect your opinion.