I predict that the left will play the race card. They will see these pictures, and say, why aren’t there any African-Americans in there? The MSM will speculate, gee, is this place racist in addition to being homophobic?
I wouldn’t put it past the left to talk about the fat and salt content of this food either. I predict that the food nazi vegan types to be recruited, to talk about how unhealthy this food is.
One way or another, other lines of attack will come up against Chick Fill A. Since the angry left has declared war on Chick Fill A, they must be fought by other means, if the homosexual marriage angle doesn’t work out for them.
Can you say KFC or Church’s Fried Chicken? Or maybe Popeye’s? To support Chick-Fil-A would be going against the clownmander-in-chief and would thus be racist. HUH? Probably go for lunch.
Helping keep mankind warm for 65 years.
Look at the first picture, right behind the lady with the green sweater and the Chick-fil-A bag in her hand.
I predict that the left will play the race card. They will see these pictures, and say, why arent there any African-Americans in there? The MSM will speculate, gee, is this place racist in addition to being homophobic?Not if any pictures go up from the Lombard, IL, CFA. We went there at noon, stood in an out-the-door 60-deep line while the take-out folks were in lines (if they were straightened out) at least two blocks long, and two, maybe three (I forget) of the five people taking orders in the main restaurant were black, and there were another couple black employees helping with the shake orders.
There were blacks at my Chick-fil-A - and they had the same smile on their faces that the rest of us had...