I love the apology demand.
Look at the age of the owners and their current stance.
I’m 58 and am already getting that “I’ve got nothing to lose” mindset. It’s pretty clear it’s gonna be a cold day in hell before these people come back with anything resembling an apology.
I suspect they would be willing to lose their business over this. They probably figure they could use the free time.
Let’s just hope they can afford to quit, and that they don’t get a lawsuit on top of it. The les should just have left well enough alone. But see they are militant now, gone is the live-and-let-live aura of their former years.
Funny how that works. I'm 61. No reason not to go 'all in' when the Day comes.
At 50, my FReeper lady and I are right with you.
Call us racist? Don't give a damn...see boy who cried "wolf".
Homophobic? Back in the closet, creep.
Anti Mooselimb? Love religious tolerance, but they don't seem to practice it.
Anti-illegal? You bet we are.
Working class American? Thanks for what you do, now learn how to vote.
No more backing down from any of this PC crap. We no longer care about your "cause", and probably never did.
What? I think the B&B owner defended her comments rather well. The Lesbian mom just doesn't happen to like the argument.
Apology my arse. Stick to your guns Carole.
I'm in my 60s and that mindset only gets better. I've got nothing to lose, in dealing with jerks and bullys. There may be some pain, but time is getting short and I can endure. I told off a lesbian couple a few weeks ago, sucking face not ten feet from a chldren's playground where we were swinging our grandchild. Damn perverts, throw it in our faces and I'll give them some grief.
Same vintage. Same mindset. Enough already.
@% of the population should not be dictating to the other 98% what moral truth is.
Especially when the 2% is in violation of God's Word.