Posting this because I notice some issues:
1. The "rant" of the B&B owner actually makes some good points which go unanswered of course. True, this is not the era in which one should state these things openly, but she does make valid points.
2. Had the "lesbian Mom" simply respected the B& B's right to display the "Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day" sign, as well as the right to define marriage traditionally and to exercise religious liberty, all would be well.
There are B and Bs which do not mind gays in the least.
But they gays do seem to PICK these fights, after which they....
3. run off and start a petition DEMANDING APOLOGIES on Change.Org :
" Whitebriar Bed and Breakfast, Green Cafe, Farm and Camp: Apologize for their discriminatory public statement":
“True, this is not the era in which one should state these things openly”
Oh, this is *exactly* the era in which we should state those things openly, loudly, adamantly, and often, standing fast to and beyond the point at which the sodomites become violent.
Next Wednesday: B & B Appreciation day. It’s time to stop playing defense.
the aids comment was wrong and over the top of wrong.
it is a business.
money talks.
The homosexual was wrong in her hissy fit. She is a single mother. There is no father in the boy’s life. Her fetish sex partner is not an asset.
For years now, we have been silent in a sense. We are not anti-gay, but we have been forced to accept something we don't agree with and it has been a sneak attack and we are surrounded. I bet many here are sick of it period, it is constant politicing to change our minds. No we don't want to, no we don't have to accept it. We can disagree with your life style without being hateful or mean etc. Their are things we do in our lives hobbies etc, but we don't force them on you, we feel like we have no choice. Like the Axis Power, has the Gay Lobby taken on more a desperate battle and in the counter-offensivethe will eventually loose?
Time will tell, but I think Chick-Fil-A is the General who said about surrender and said "Nuts!"
So I ask, is this a turning point in this situation?
I thought the B&B was a bit over the top. However they are clearly frustrated like the rest of us with getting a daily beating from the gay mafia on how great the gays are. It is about time someone fights back!
Jersey is a queer friendly state which I chose to flee in 2005 for a Christian Community in Kansas. If the rant is true, it shows that some folks are just sick of being told what to think and are standing to fight. It's their property. They hold a summer camp and don't want to deal with the liability of a maladjusted queer camper. The street sign is code -- Beware of God! LOL
I know both involved...The owner of the B+B is what the old timers used to call a “Tough o’l broad”, trust me when I say this.. I stopped out to the B+B just to see what is happening and she has not a care in the world...This will not affect her in any way....
The only issue I have with this story is, if you want an apology..Why do you run to and demand it from the Govt? Is George Soros gonna personally call and make it all better?
I doubt she wrote the tirade. There is nothing to prevent someone claiming to be her to post on the FB page. Also the writing does not read like that of a person who takes her business seriously. I can not imagine a sane business owner getting into such a public fray. It is one thing to say this is what I believe but to write something that any reasonable person knows will draw fire (”God made aids”)is so self defeating it makes no sense that she would write that.
Only in a world consisting entirely of physically and psychologically crippled children.
This pervert was not kept away. She not only kept herself and her son away, but then whines about it nationwide.
Had she enjoyed the petting zoo and kept her mouth shut, everyone would have been satisfied, and we wouldn't be reading about it, and I wouldn't be crticizing her.
I am a veteran of the birth of militant perversion (San Francisco, late 70s). I was there when they emotionally asked simply for a little tolerance. I was skeptical then, and there is no question now, that a person inclined to perversion will run roughshod over everyone else, given the opportunity.