Please review Romney’s record and positions he’s advocated for during the majority of his life then tell me where he’s any different than the Democrats.
That's the crux of it, Jim and Former Rep. Romney's RECORD -- things he has DONE -- is the epitome of a liberal politician's, and it included tax-funded on-demand abortion and forcing adoption agencies to accommodate homosexual "parents." Former Rep, that is what/who you are on the verge of voting FOR. Do you have the guts, the courage, the integrity, to face that FACT?
People are so busy looking at what they're fleeing from -- Obama -- that they are totally blind to what they're running toward. Former Rep, Romney IS A LIBERAL registered in the Republican party. If you vote for Romney, you can tell yourself 'til you're blue in the face that you're voting "against" Obama, but that's just talk. What you will be DOING is voting FOR a liberal. Period. End of story.
I will be voting for a plurality. I will be voting to weaken the mandate of whichever statist wins, Obama or Romney. My third party vote will be neutral; it will favor neither Obama nor Romney, and that is a mathematical FACT, though many mathematically challenged here claim otherwise. My third party vote won't favor the incumbent (unless you want to argue with HW Bush on that) and it won't favor Romney. What it WILL do, as will every single third-party vote cast, is to reduce the popular mandate of whichever statist wins, and therefore strengthen conservatives' ability to oppose his policies.
The last time a president was elected on a plurality, he faced impeachment charges a few years later; the time before a president was elected on a plurality, he got his ass creamed by conservatives in the mid-terms with the Republican Revolution. If Obama got re-elected on a plurality, conservatives and Republicans in Congress could and would overcome him.
If, on the otherhand, Romney gets a landslide, conservatives in Congress will get steamrolled and marginalized and you can look forward to what you voted FOR, Former Rep, what you voted for -- global warming regulation, state-run health care with abortion-on-demand (though you may be gullible enough to believe Romney's conversion), the homosexual agenda, and activist judges, with conservatives in Congress completly neutered with regard to opposing it.
I've faced my fear of Obama, stared it down, and realized that the only way I can use my presidential vote to help conservatism is to vote for a plurality; you, Former Rep, have yet to deal with your fear of Obama. Fear has overpowered you; you are on the verge of letting pure fear manipulate you into voting against your own interests.