Scalia is now failing us. But this should not be a surprise.
Put a man in Washington long enough, and he will start to see his power as the source of our liberty. He will soon believe that anything that comes from himself must be good.
But Scalia is wrong here. The integrity of our nation does not depend on Antonin Scalia’s faith in himself. It depends on Scalia’s ability to uphold external truth.
Antonin—both your moral character and your intellect are being tested here.
Is everyone that naive? No one makes it far up the legal ladder with a historically accurate attitude to original intent. ‘Conservative’ is so only in relation to the alternative. It’s not the absolute a lot of us want it to be.
Also, Scalia is Catholic, and like all Catholic politicians is subject to ‘Sudden Liberalism Syndrome’. (See Rick Santorum on George Zimmerman).